All Yellow Springs Schools volunteers are required to complete an FBI background check at the expense of the Board of Education.
To request a background check:
- Visit the Board Office at 888 Dayton Street, Suite 106 to complete a request form.
- Schedule your appointment with Greene County ESC on E. Enon Road, next to the high school. (By appointments only)
- At the time of your appointment, present your driver's license and the request form from step 1.
The district must have a record of a clean FBI background check before an individual can volunteer with Yellow Springs Schools.
Examples (not all-inclusive):
Field trip chaperones
Helping in classroom/library/workroom during the school day
Working at Field Day/ Book Fair
Volunteers at after-school clubs
Volunteers at practices or events (e.g. costumes or set construction)
Guest instructors for sectionals without staff present
Outside accompanists for choir concerts, and solo and ensemble events
Upon receipt of a clean FBI background check, and board approval, the individual will be put on the approved Yellow Springs Schools volunteer list until such time that the Volunteer’s background check expires.
If you have questions, please contact the Board Office at 937.767.7381.