Unscheduled School Delays and Closings
Schools may be closed due to severe weather, emergencies, or other conditions that may affect the safety of our students, families, and staff. Yellow Springs Schools will make every effort to publicize these announcements as soon as a decision is made to close school, delay the opening of school, or release students early.
We encourage parents to check our district's website at www.ysschools.org, social media, and media news listed below early and often when severe weather is predicted. Please do not call the school to inquire about possible closings. A decision to close schools covers one school day only. New announcements will be made each day if the situation warrants this.
Before any decision to close school due to severe weather occurs, the superintendent will collaborate with multiple district leaders as the situation is assessed. Roads are driven, sidewalks examined and telephone calls are made to local police agencies, adjacent school districts and local municipal governments.
Our goal is always to make the decision to delay or close school by 6 a.m. but there may be a time where the weather is not cooperating and a decision will be made after that time. If it is possible to make the decision the night before, we will do so to give our families, students, and staff increased notice.
Our goal is always to make the decision to delay or close school by 6 a.m. but there may be a time where the weather is not cooperating and a decision will be made after that time. If it is possible to make the decision the night before, we will do so to give our families, students, and staff increased notice. When there is inclement weather, Yellow Springs Schools may exercise the following three options as determined by district administration:
Closing or delays will be announced through the following information sources:
ParentSquare - Call, Text, and Email (Please make sure you have the correct phone number and email in your ParentSquare account)
District Website - www.ysschools.org
- Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/YellowSpringsSchools/
- Instagram @ https://www.instagram.com/yellowspringsschools/
- Threads @ https://www.threads.net/@yellowspringsschools
Radio and Television Stations:
WDTN-TV/WBDT-TV (Dayton’s CW Channel 26) DAYTON 24/7 |
When school is cancelled, all athletic activities (games and practices) will be cancelled for that day.
Snow days that occur on Friday do not necessarily cancel activities on Saturday. Saturday interscholastic activities will be evaluated based upon weather and road conditions.
For updates and details, individuals are directed to access Yellow Springs Schools website.
When school is cancelled, a collaborative decision on practices and/or games will be made by the High School Athletic Director and the High School administration of both teams based upon projected road and weather conditions.
Snow days that occur on Friday do not necessarily cancel activities on Saturday. Interscholastic athletic activities will be evaluated by the High School administration and will be based upon projected road and weather conditions.
For updates and details, individuals are directed to access Yellow Springs Schools website.
NOTE: In the event of a Level 2 or 3 Snow Emergency, there will be no interscholastic activities of any kind.
Scheduled activities will be cancelled when the District is closed due to inclement weather. Cancellations will be made with as much warning as possible. Weather closings on Fridays may cause weekend cancellations. Scheduled users must contact the District Office on Friday between 8:00 AM and 3:00 PM to check on weekend availability. If no contact is made, renters must assume the activity is cancelled.