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Stay Safe. Speak Up!

Click HERE to access the 24-hour anonymous Safety Helpline or call 1-866-547-8362


A top priority in Yellow Springs Schools is student safety and well-being. To help safeguard our school community, the district uses the Stay Safe. Speak Up! reporting service. This service, which can be accessed at all times, allows students, parents, and staff to submit concerns which may jeopardize the safety of students, employees, or school facilities. Concerns may include weapons, drugs/alcohol abuse, suspicious behavior, suicide/self abuse, mental health concerns, problem relationships, sexual assault, fights/violence/abuse, bullying, harassment, threats, theft, vandalism, and health concerns. Reports can be submitted anonymously if needed. There are three different options to submit safety concerns to our administration:

  1. Mobile App

Download the Stay Safe. Speak Up! mobile app and enter our unique district code to submit reports directly from your smartphone. The district code is YSS.

  1. Phone

Individuals can call 1-866-547-8362 to leave a voice message or speak with a trained, live attendance. Attendants can initiate contact with various national crisis hotlines if a student needs help in dealing with a personal emergency. 

  1. Online

Go to the district’s website or the Clever! homepage and click on the Stay Safe. Speak Up! icon to access the online form from a desktop computer or laptop.