Safety and Security
The safety, health, and well-being of the students, staff, volunteers, and visitors of Yellow Springs Schools is always a top priority. Students must first feel safe and secure in order to grow academically, emotional, and socially. We do not however live in a world free of crime and violence, or safe from natural disaster. We believe in a collaborative approach to school safety involving input and support from our students and families, staff, the larger community, the Village of Yellow Springs, Yellow Springs Police Department, and Miami Township Fire/Rescue.
The following are some examples of the precautions we have in place:
- Emergency drills: Students and staff practice fire, tornado and safety drills regularly throughout the school year. School safety drills allow us to run through strategies that can be used in emergency situations.
- Mental health resources: School counselors are available in every school building, and a partnership with Greene County Educational Service Center therapists also helps with mental health resources. Students at Mills Lawn Elementary participate in Mr. Gudgel's Skills for Life program. During the week of September 12-16, students in all grades will participate in the Sandy Hook Promise, Start with Hello program.
- Radio communication: Radios are available to all building administrators and central office to allow quick communication between all district administrators and area law enforcement.
- Safety helpline: Please speak up if you see a social media post or hear about students who have weapons at school or are threatening violence to themselves or others. Students can confide in a trusted adult or share information through our 24-hour Student Safety Reporting anonymous tip line by calling a toll-free number, 1-866-547-8362, or through the Safety Helpline website. Any information shared will be thoroughly investigated and may prevent students from hurting themselves and/or others.
- Security cameras: Additional cameras will be added inside and outside the district’s schools.
- Visitor Management System: The District is implementing a visitor software management system during the school day that will screen visitors and volunteers.
- Volunteer and Visitor Procedures: Additional requirements have been add to the volunteer and visitor process.
We are grateful for your partnership in helping to make our schools safe learning environments for all of our students and staff members.